Fellow. USISTD

Dance Nerd

Musings on dance technique, by no means definitive.

123 of a Natural

The forward swing - Natural Turn from a stand still

  1. Step 1 - RF forward

    1. Commence by elevating the center and turning the body against the desired direction: e.g. turning left in preparation for a Natural Turn.

    2. Move the body weight forward across the supporting leg and commence to lower.

    3. Allowing the body to begin unwinding in the direction of turn achieve the maximum amount of lowering as split weight is achieved on the count of 1

    4. Continue to turn the torso moving the body weight across and beyond the supporting leg.

  2. Step 2 - LF side

    1. As the body passes the support of the RF, swing the left leg under the body and along the line of swing while allowing the body to continue the rotation to the right.

    2. Achieve center weight on the count of 2

    3. Maintaining the shoulder line along the line of swing, allow the body weight to continue moving towards the LF

  3. Step 3 - RF closes to LF

    1. Maintaining the shoulder line, draw RF towards LF allowing the feet and hips to continue turning towards the final alignment of backing line of dance.

    2. Maintaining the shoulder line, take weight on to RF on the count of 3

    3. Maintaining the shoulder line, commence to lower and allow the weight to move backwards across the RF - this is the beginning of the next step.

Below we have Man’s Feet/Hips/Shoulders, Comparison Feet Positions, Lady’s Feet/Hips/Shoulders, and an overlapped comparison of all.

Michael Choi